A long time ago, magical places in the world hosted celebrations of interconnectedness between people and nature. These gatherings amplified a shared energy that also served to honor the land itself. Through the passage of time, the pathways to these mystic locations became hidden and eventually lost. These once joyful places had become less important as our need for interconnection was fulfilled in other ways. The ripple effect of these lost traditions has led to increased human separation, which is the root cause of much of the imbalance in our world. I strive to create spaces to re-connect, re-awaken, and re-interpret the traditions that connected our ancestors to nature and to each other.


The philosophy of Holistic Design demonstrates that beauty and sustainability are not mutually exclusive and that our future depends upon our rediscovering how we once built, and in finding value in humility, honesty, respect and restraint.

My goal is to raise the vibration of a space, tantalizing the senses. Just like facets of light can be seen, I’m able to detect many facets of energy—I continuously monitor this energy and this informs the direction of my design. Like tasting soup as it cooks all day, continuously tweaking the flavors with herbs and spice until it’s just right—I play in my process and love when my creativity is challenged.


Let’s get started!

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